
This guide describes what types of analytics are available to you.

Story groups

This section displays analytical data by groups.

You can filter data by period. To do this, click on the period field and select the start date and end date:

The data will display the summed indicators for the selected period.

The following metrics are available for groups:


Displays the number of times a group has been opened by unique users


Displays the number of times a group has been viewed over 1 second


Total group browsing time in seconds


The total number of clicks on link widgets within the group.


This tab contains information about interactions with stories and widgets.

You can filter data by period. To do this, click on the period field and select the start date and end date:

Two metrics are displayed for each story: Interactions and Statistics.

Interactions display the total number of actions (clicks, answers to questions, reactions) performed by users within story.

The statistics show the number of views of the story.

To see detailed statistics for a story, hover over a story and click "More".

Detailed story statistic

Detailed information is presented in the popup:

Popup contains two sections: Interactions and Statistics.

The Interactions section displays information about story widgets. To switch the widget, click on the arrows:

The Statistics section displays advanced metrics related to story.

Last updated